
Life with a chronic illness

Can D-Ribose Make You Sick?

I started taking10g of D-Ribose daily around a year ago.

I’ve had quite a few people find my blogs about D-Ribose and reporting to me problems they’ve experienced:

  • “a definite small but significant energy boost, but also had tummy pains”
  • “a tiny energy boost, but terrible constipation and migraines by the third day”
  • “just starting d-ribose and seem to be having reflux/chest pain”
  • “started the D-ribose over a week ago, and I’ve had abdominal pain, constipation, and now increased pulse and blood pressure”
  • “when I take the D-ribose it makes me feel dizzy.”

I myself have gastric discomfort which although I had experiences before I used D-Ribose it has been persistent throughout this last year.

pic by HckySo on Flickr
pic by HckySo on Flickr

The question is can D-Ribose be causing migraine, dizziness and gastric problems for some people?

The majority of references readily available on the internet, particularly with reference to it’s use with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, suggest it is relatively safe and harmless.

The only “reported side effects” I found when I started taking D-Ribose were a risk of hypoglycemia and possibly loose bowels.

I don’t think that gives the whole picture!

Once other people started commenting on my blog with their side effects, particularly gastric flare ups, I did some more research.  Then today I had a comment which told me that D-Ribose can cause increased levels of uric acid.  I’ve done some more reading.

I’m not an expert.  This post is a summary of what I’ve discovered so far.

Hypoglycemia & loose stools:

D-Ribose can cause transiet hypoglycemia and loose stools  in reference to large doses (10mg or over).  Dr Teitelbaum’s recommended dose is 3 x 5g daily for the first 4 weeks, then 2 x 5g daily after that.

“The first is a transient hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) that can be eliminated by taking larger doses of ribose with other carbohydrates (such as in juice). The second side effect that may occur in some individuals is loose stools. Again, this side effect has only been reported in very large doses, greater than 10 grams.”

Herx reaction theory:

pic by coldways on flickr
pic by coldways on flickr

There are some people who say that the D-Ribose gives your body and your cells the energy they need to function more efficiently and thus fight hidden/chronic/stealth infection in the body. It fuels your mitochondria.

When fighting this/these infection(s) the theory is it is possible you may get a Herx reaction.

It’s also possible that if the D-Ribose is fuelling your body properly you may be better absorbing other suppliments/nutritional elements that are fighting the infection and thus, ironically, feeling worse.

Typically the death of these bacteria and the associated release of endotoxins occurs faster than the body can remove the toxins via the natural detoxification process performed by the kidneys and liver. It is manifested by fever, chills, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), and exacerbation of skin lesions.

From Wikipedia entry on Herxheimer_reaction

More reading on Herx reaction includes suggestions for treatment

And a mention about “die-off” and Herx reactions when de-toxing

In addition to possibly promoting a Herx reaction it could in itself cause an antioxidant effect:

“Ribose may support the body’s innate antioxidant mechanisms while promoting an antioxidant effect of its own.”

From 15 May – Almost Random Research

Uric acid:
pic by lunar caustic on flickr
pic by lunar caustic on flickr

Research has found that D-Ribose can contribute to the levels of uric acid in your body.

High levels of uric acid can cause gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis which usually effects the joints.  As the uric acid forms into crystals and settles around the body the immune system then attacks the crystals which causes inflammation.

Deposits of these crystals can also develop into kidney stones.

Read more about how uric acid can cause gout pain and kidney stones.

Research has shown that D-Ribose can contribute to uric acid levels and should therefore by avoided by those with gout or exisiting high levels of uric acid.

However, I am not clear whether the D-Ribose dosing for ME/CFS (typically 10g daily) can cause levels of uric acid to become dangerously high in individuals who do not already have gout or pre-existing high levels of uric acid.

Also high levels of uric acid in the blood does not always mean that a person will develop gout.

“Actually most people with hyperuricemia do not develop gout. Therefore it is not necessarily the high level of uric acid causing gout but perhaps a rapid change in its level.”

From Gout Prevention & Treatment on About Arthritis

Other factors  can contribute like dehydration, injury  fever, heavy eating, heavy drinking of alcohol , recent surgery, high blood pressure, abnormal kidney function and certain medications.

So it doesn’t neccessarily follow that D-Ribose can cause gout or kidney stones but caution should be exercised and it’s sensible that any new symptoms should be discussed with a doctor.

Warnings for use of D-Ribose:

pic by stewf on Flickr
pic by stewf on Flickr

Those with gout or high levels of uric acid should avoid using D-Ribose.

Diabetics should use D-Ribose only under a doctor’s supervision.

Hypoglycemics should exercise extreme caution in the use of D-Ribose.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid using D-Ribose.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid supplemental D-ribose.

Supplemental D-ribose may cause hypoglycemia and elevation in uric acid levels. Those with gout should avoid supplemental D-ribose, and those with elevated uric acid levels and hypoglycemics should exercise extreme caution in its use. Those with diabetes should also exercise extreme caution in its use. And those diabetics who decide to try D-ribose must be under a physician’s supervision and have their blood glucose levels closely monitored and their antidiabetic medications appropriately adjusted, if necessary.

Reported adverse reactions include hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, hyperuricosuria, diarrhea, nausea and headache.”

From guidance on vitmaker D-Ribose product

Typically persons with ME/CFS are sensitive to drugs and stimulants like caffeine and alcohol.  It’s not impossible to imagine that they can also be sensitive to D-ribose.

It may be “just a simple five-carbon sugar” but it seems the possible side effects, particularly for persons with ME/CFS, can be more than reported by some suppliers.

Like any drug or suppliment caution should be used.

My experience:

I’ve been taking D-Ribose for a year.  I take two doses of 5g (one scoop) daily. I have mistakenly said I take 10g doses on my blog in the past.  It is in fact 5g doses.

pic by pckux on flickr
pic by pckux on flickr

I find D-Ribose gives me a small but beneficial energy boost.

My condition has improved in the last year but only a few percentage points of the ability scale.  My concentration has improved a great deal and my cognitive disfunction is not as big a problem.  I recover from exertions faster than before I started D-Ribose.  An exertion that used to take me 4-5 days to recover from now takes more like 1 or 2 days.

I am still ill with ME.  I am still pretty much housebound and unable to attend to routine personal care tasks on my own.  D-Ribose has not been a miracle suppliment for me.

I found taking D-Ribose in the evening (after 5pm) can cause me problem with getting to sleep.  I take 5g in the morning and 5g in the afternoon around 3pm.

I have had gastric problems persistently for the year I have been using D-Ribose including constipation, lots of gas, pain beneath my rib cage (possibly gas, possibly gallbladder), stomach and bowel cramping and spasms.  An IBS friendly diet and lately probiotics (Lactobacillus) seem to be helping with gastric disturbances but neither is a cure.  I did have similar bowel and stomach problems before I started D-Ribose although it feels different to before.

I have no way of knowing whether D-Ribose is responsible for any improvement or any side effect like gastric problems.

I cannot know whether these are a co-incidence, directly related to D-Ribose use, or indirectly from D-Ribose allowing an slight increase in activity promoting it’s own improvement and/or it triggering unwanted side effects.

What does alarm me slightly on a personal level about the uric acid link with D-Ribose is that I have gout and kidney stones in my immediate family.  That and there’s reasearch which suggests you can have an inherited problem with processing uric acid and thus be prone to complications.

D-Ribose is an expensive suppliment.  I think it’s worth experimenting by stopping taking it for a month or so to see what effect this has.


I am not an expert or a doctor. This post collates information I have read on the internet.

D-Ribose hasn’t been scientifically proven to help persons with ME/CFS but research has shown persons with ME/CFS have disfunction in the cells which D-Ribose has been shown to aid.

Dr Teitelbaum conducted a survey in 2006 which found it was effective for treatment of CFS and FM but it was  not placebo controlled and was conducted on a small group.

66% of the 41 participants found the supplement helpful and it produced improvement in all the areas tested: energy, sleep, mental clarity, pain intensity and well-being

D-Ribose can have side effects especillay in large doses (10g or over).

You should avoid taking D-Ribose if:

  • you are diabetic
  • you have gout
  • you have high levels of uric acid
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • you are hypoglycemic use only with extreme caution

Side effects can include:

  • hypoglycemia or transient hypoglycemia
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • headache
  • high levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia) which could possibly leading to gout
  • high levels of uric acid excreted in the urine (hyperuricosuria) which could possibly lead to kidney stone

Anectdotally reported side effects also include:

  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • migraine
  • abdominal pain
  • difficulty getting to sleep
  • increased pulse and blood pressure
  • detoxing or antioxidant reaction
  • herx reactions (fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, skin problems)

Persons with ME/CFS or FM may find D-Ribose to be beneficial.  Caution should be exercised and you should check the warnings.  If you take D-Ribose and experience any new symptoms you should consult with a doctor.

My previous posts on D-Ribose can be found here:

39 responses to “Can D-Ribose Make You Sick?”

  1. Seems like taking a month off will give you some added knowledge – expecially abt GI symptoms.

  2. Wow
    I have been wondering about D-Ribose after reading about it at LymeBytes. Thanks for all the infor you gathered and shared here.It will be helpful to alot of people I am sure. Hope things start to mellow out for you.

  3. I am now nearing the end of my 4th 250gm tub of D-Ribose , which I get from$4-Fatigue/D$9RIBOSE-ATP-Fuel
    I take 3x5gm daily , mostly in strong black coffee, and have had no side-effects or recurrence of any symptoms.No noticeable energy boost but I am able to do more,more easily and life is better.
    During this period I have started taking Magnesium Mallate and vitamin D3 , both introduced separately and then increased in amounts plus taking flax seed oil.
    None of these have caused side -effects or symtom recurrence. All in all a slow steady improvement ,but not a miracle fix.
    I’m of the opinion that no supplements etc ,can help until symptoms stabilise and begin to decrease in frequency or strength , as anything you take can start everything up again , i.e you’re starting to heal,and it can’t be rushed. The old “do too much and go backwards” syndrome.
    It has taken me just over two years of Perrin Technique treatment
    to plus the recent addition of the above supplements to get to where I am now…still a long way to go..but everything is a damn sight better than what it was.


  4. i have been meaning to take a break from D-ribose for ages now, and this has spurred me to seize the day! I have stopped yesterday and plan to take a 3 week break and see what happens. It took me a long time to feel the benefits of taking it (2 tubs!), so i am unsure if it is the D-ribose or not… I did have a short break from it when i ran out for about 2 weeks and noticed more aching in thigh muscles for a couple of weeks with a delayed onset (came on about a week or so after i ran out and improved again a week or so after taking it again). Well we shall see if anything changes this time…

  5. Have to say that whenever I have tried to take D-Ribose I have felt absolutely appalling very quickly — like having a combination of mild food poisoning and a hangover — so I’ve never been able to stick to it for long: hasn’t seemed worth it. I also have a strong history of gout in the family. I think the lable ME is so broad that, as with many supps., it’s trial and error and what suits one will not necessarily suit another.

  6. […] 2009 in cfs/me, health | Tags: aches, D-Ribose, energy, mood, suppliment, virus After reading Rachel’s post on D-Ribose, i decided to stop taking it for three weeks to see what happens. That was a week ago. […]

  7. What an excellent, well-researched post!

    I bought some D-ribose recently but have been waiting for my Lyme disease treatment to end before I introduce something new. Just about every supplement I try – especially antioxidants, vitamins and sugars – cause worse IBS symptoms and loose bowels, despite the strong probiotics I take.

    I find it very interesting that D-ribose is known to cause hypoglycemia and it is recommended for CFS: most people with CFS develop hypoglycemia.

    Thanks so much for all your research and your informative summary!!


  8. […] « Can D-Ribose Make You Sick? Back on D-Ribose – It’s Worth It For Me […]

  9. My father, son, and I have suffered from an undiagnosed genetic muscle disorder all our lives. I am the worst affected, have never been able to jog over 1/8 of a mile without leg muscle cramps and high heart rate. What we discovered is that we are AMP deaminase deficient. I only take 2.5 g of ribose in milk, two times a day and it has changed everything. I can now run up a flight of stairs and it is no big thing. I’m working on the concept that I may be able to exercise like a normal person. Mentally I’m surprised to find I’m very alert with great focus. All cravings for anything sweet have essentially disappeared. I’m feeling very fortunate that something as simple as D-Ribose has improved my life to this extreme.

    But folks, I’m almost completely deficient because of a genetic disorder, and I only take 5 g a day. A little goes a long way. From what I know of cellular respiration you can’t just push on one element, there’s lots of other nutrients and you need to supplement in balance unless you have a completely out of whack system like mine.

    1. Lwilder,
      My wife has MyoAdenolate Deaminase Deficiency also known as AMP Deaminase deficiency. Her father has another related form of muscular dystrophy…and the Dr’s keep telling her its unrelated. She too is taking the Ribose supplement. But with her it seems to take 20mg a day, otherwise her energy level is too low and she cramps up.
      She is currently trying to contact the few researchers out there who study this deficiency to try and determine what turns the gene on/off…I’m the engineer she’s the biologist so she does better at talking about all that.
      We would really like to get in contact with you. The more people like you guys that band together to try and figure this disease out the better. If you’d like to get in contact with her, please reply, I’ll be receiving email notification if you do.

  10. I took twice 5gm of D Ribose in one day and before I went to sleep my pulse was very elevated at 115 per minute. I didn’t have HB pressure or palpitations before.

  11. Hi – thanks for your thoughtful and thorough research on D-ribose. I am currently using it but my fibromyalgia chronic fatigue was pretty much gone anyway, However, I have a blog site which talks about Fibromyalgia. I have listed your blog site there and wondered if you’d be interested in listing my on your site for those who may be interested in some information about Fibromyalgia Treatment whcih has worked for me.

    1. I’ve been suffering from a bad CFS/FMS flareup the past year. I started taking D-Ribose 12 days ago and have experienced the GI symptoms mentioned, in the first week, as well as elevated blood pressure, faster pulse, Herx, worsened insomnia. But the Ribose improved my energy and reduced pain almost immediately. Thank you for this blog! I didn’t know what was going on with me.

  12. Okay, I didn’t read the whole article. BUT! I have been taking Ribose for a little over a month and just in the last 2 weeks I have been getting horrible headaches. I decided to look online and see what people are saying. So.. I guess it CAN cause them? I cant think of anything else that would be causing these. I also have Esophagitis, so I need to watch what I eat. So I know its not a food allergy or something weird like that!

  13. At the suggestion of a naturopathic physician I started taking D-ribose (5 grams 3x daily) five days ago for fibromyalgia. Have noticed some relief of aches and pains and slight increase in energy level, but the trade-off has been severe intermittent stomach pain, a lot of gas and bloating and nausea. I’m going to lay off the D-ribose for a couple of days and then try 10 grams per day and see if that produces the same side-effects.

  14. I’m so happy to have stumbled across your blog. I was just recently diagnosed with ME/CFS and this is EXACTLY the type of research and puzzling through things that I am prone to doing on my own. It’s great to know that maybe I won’t have to start fresh for some of this. 🙂

    I am hating trying to weed my way through treatments. Because my symptoms fluctuate so often, I am already having trouble knowing for sure whether a new symptom is just part of the usual morphing of my disorder, or due to a particular treatment attempt. And of course, we’re all so crazy sensitive to changes that I can’t just assume it’s unrelated and brush it off.

    Anyway, I am happy to have found your site. It’s great to read something that sounds so familiar. Many thanks, and I will be back. 🙂

  15. Thanks for your article, very interesting. I have read Dr. Titlebaum’s book about FMS/CFS and followed his suggestion of taking D-Ribose 3 times a day, the full scoop.

    I did this for about 5 days and, while I already suffer from some vertigo and dizziness, the Ribose made it so much worse that I couldn’t drive. It also made my head aches worse and also cause me nausea.

    I stopped taking it and am back to my normal level of weird dizziness. I do have an appointment with a Neurologist this week to see if maybe it’s something in my brain. The Ribose almost seemed to put my brain on overdrive. Maybe I could take a lower dose… but I’m not sure that I’ll try it.

  16. […] I found an article on Chronically Me about D-Ribose and it seems like I’m not the only one who it makes […]

  17. Thanks for consolidating all this info here. I’m so foggy and overwhelmed that it’s very hard for me to troll around and research. Your blog is a great source of info and a big help. I’m going to give D-Ribose a try and amp it up very slowly while supporting my system with lactobacillus etc. I’ll let you know how it goes!

  18. Thank you for your efforts it is well received. I myself am not an alarmist type person. I do relieve some of these supplements make you worse before you get batter. I feel you search for information was well balanced. You didn’t try to frighten just to inform. Once again great JOb

  19. Why would chronic infection be worsened with D-ribose taking all assumptions about that statement aside?
    Why would a genetic muscle complaint result in cramping and tachycardia?

  20. I’ve tried other detoxify/cleanses before with TERRIBLE results. (Not being able to “go” for days, and having terrible pains from being so backed up.) I decided to try Lady Soma’s Detox (the one that is $74.99) after I began having issues due to taking a calcium channel blocker for migraines. I also hoped it would help get the last of the beta blocker (previous migraine treatment) out of my system. I’ve been exhausted for about 11 months due to the beta blocker. Within one day on the Lady Soma Detox, I was seeing results. Within two days I had more energy! This is an amazing product! And, unlike some similar products, you really aren’t going to be stuck in the bathroom all the time. I definitely recommend this product!!

  21. I have been taking D-Ribose for a couple of months, dropping the dose to twice a day as suggested by Dr. Teitelbaum. I had a very rapid response initially, feeling on top of the world after just one week. I thought I had found the answer to my prayers. I introduced other supplements suggested for me whilst reading ‘From Fatigued To Fantastic’ which included co-enzyme Q10 which in my case is to help reduce migraines.
    I already take beta-blockers to do this but still need to resort to Imigran on frequent occasions. My husband has commented on the increased frequency since I began taking D-Ribose and we both wonder whether the cocktail of supplements is aggravating my migraines. I have more or less cut out the additional supplements but the threat of a migraine remains. Has anyone else found the D-Ribose to be the definite cause of increased attacks? I am lothe to stop taking it as it has definitely increased my energy and I can begin to consider the possibility of returning to some sort of paid employment, but not with so many migraines.

  22. have any of you heard of mthfr? It’s a very common genetic mutation where you don’t process folic acid and have to take the metabolized form of this b vitamin. It is usually the culprit behind me/cfs. You need the metabolized form of this vitamin (5 methyfolate) for every function in your body. I never heard of It till I met Dr. Stephanie Cave and tested for it (most doctors never heard of It-press them to be tested!!!) Look up mthfr under Dr. Ben Lynch or Dr. Stephanie Cave or Dr. Neil Rawlings. D ribose helped me for about 2 months and then began giving me horrible reflux too, something I thought I had left behind me. 4 grams a day. So dissapointing!!!

  23. I’m kind of in similar position as you… tried to take ribose many years ago, but had to stop because of side effects (mostly gout). Now it looks like it is necessary for me (got sth called MDD deficiency) and I just need to get rid of the side effects (which is difficult).

    About constipation… just get yourself oral antifungal… real drug, not diet or similar nonsense (although diet will work after antifungal)… it worked miracles for me… three first days after taking it was hell… diarhea and all… fungi was excreted but also digested… lot of toxins… but after that it was all good… now just got to get rid of this uric acid and I’m all good…

  24. I wish I had stumbled upon this site before I started taking D-Ribose. 3 days after I started taking ribose I ended up having a Herx reaction. I had no idea what was going on at the time. This reaction is not listed as a side effect on hardly any of the websites out there, including WebMD.

    I am so glad I know what happened now. I thought I had some kind of strange flu but it made no sense how I got it. The Herx reaction can take a while to go away. I took a smaller dose of ribose the other day after my first reaction cleared up to see if it was from ribose and I got something similar. I notice what seems like inflammation in certain areas of the body. I didn’t realize I had so much bacteria or whatever to kill off. It sure doesn’t want to go without a fight. I recommend people start out with small doses, maybe 1 gram a day, cause the Herx reaction really sucks.

  25. Very interesting discussions – I have (undiagnosed) ME, and have been reasonably well for years due to cutting out a number of food sensitivities and taking 8 high EPA fish oil tablets a day – I use Vegepa – as advised by Dr Basant Puri. who did work at Hammersmith Hospital about high EPA fish oils and ME/fibromyalgia.

    Some months ago I came across Dr Sara Myhill’s website – she is a private GP who is interested in fatigue and fibromyalgia. She suggests taking D-Ribose, and taking this has allowed me to take active exercise again for the first time in years without ill effects, and I even bought a bike and now cycle to work. Unfortunately, D-Ribose is causing diarrhoea so I am having to cut back on it.

    Around 3 months ago, I took up Dr Myhill’s suggestion of further supplements (including one of them mentioned in an earlier post called 5 methyfolate) to help unblock the methylation cycle, and after some time this has led to further improvements, specifically, increased stamina in going up steep stairs, I can now jog lightly for very short distances (impossible before), but also an immediate improvement in nocturia which I have had for some years – in other words, I no longer have to get up at least 5 times each night to go to the toilet, which is the best benefit so far!

    I get these supplements to help the methylation cycle from a website called Health Monthly because they seem cheapest and they also stock them all (5 in total). I would recommend Dr Myhill’s website for anyone with fatigue who is interested.

  26. I know that some sugars, like d-mannose, can feed some bad bacteria in the gut, like clostridium. I’m wondering if some of the stomach issues with d-ribose, also a sugar, might be doing the same….

  27. I tried D-Ribose – a very tiny dose gave me a cramp like pain in my heart for 3 days…

  28. I realise this blog is from ages ago, so am uncertain whether many people still see it, but I have been trying D-Ribose for 10 weeks for heart problems. Specifically Left ventricular Hypertrophy (which is thickened heart muscle and its associated problems). There is a Canadian scientific paper suggesting it reduces symptoms and it does. I worked my way up to 15gms a day and have felt better and had more energy that in 3 years. A significant noticeable difference which is great except for a side effect of very bad diarrhea, I’m not frequently dashing to the toilet but any time I would normally go,this is the outcome. I stopped the D-Ribose to allow this to get OK again, but after 2 weeks all my heart symptoms are back: breathlessness, fatigue and the need to take frequent rests. Does anyone have any idea how to combat the diarrhea as I really want to return to the D-Ribose? It evidently works by making the stiffness in the thickened heart muscle more flexible thus enabling more oxygenated blood to be pumped into the bloodstream

    1. I too having similar heart issue. Just started D-Ribose 2 weeks ago, haven’t see much difference yet. Hope to see your updates. thank you

      1. Hi Kappy, I stopped taking it after about 10 weeks or so because I had a stomach upset from it. If I tried it again I’d start with a really small dose and gradually work up in the hope my body would adapt. I think with any of these things it can take 3mths to see any result. I think you should have a bit les breathlessness. Do you have a yearly outpatients appointment and an echocardiogram to monitor your condition? If so make sure you get them to tell you the current thickness so you can compare it year on year (I’ve found they may not want to tell you) Mine is currently stable at 14mm thickness (I understand the normal range for females is 6mm-11mm) If you are not getting side effects I’d give it 6mths. Best of Luck Pam

  29. Tried D-Ribose and within hours had horrendous gas, stomach cramps and constipation. I’ll be sticking with Methylcoblamin injections and Heppapressin.

  30. I started on a non-organic d-ribose and it definitely worked in terms of increasing energy, however I had bad migraines regularly with it and it seemed to plateau. I asked my doctor if there would be an organic one. Yes there is, I then started on Metagenics D-ribose. It again took the 10-14 day period to kick into the system and it worked with NO migraine side effects. Excellent however it plateaued again. It works much better combined with Co-Q10 and this is what my Dr recommended. I have had the most energy and no severe fatigue after 4.5 years of Chronic Fatigue. I have a lot of hope, Great product, definitely get organic D-ribose rather than non-organic if you can and combine with Co-Q10. Also read that Dr Myhill’s article as mentioned above is the best. I have copied it for my Dr to educate him as unfortunately there are many medical practitioners oblivious to the benefits of D-ribose and why people get chronic fatigue.

    I became gluten free and diary free about 2.5 years ago to save my life as Dr’s were not helping. I basically saved myself and lost trust in the medical system. Fortunately I finally got a Dr who specialises in this area and he diagnosed me and determined I had damaged my mitrochondrial dna through severe heat stroke as well as having the M.E. I am healing and I know that diet, what we eat is very much a key to healing as well as a healthy mind as this disease can really do your head in as the suffering and the lack of understanding of others is so challenging. I guess you all know this and I hope you can have hope that you will and I will too rise above this hardship. Sharing information like this can help us heal so thank you.

  31. Just started it 3 weeks ago.
    I have Congestive Heart Failure.
    Cirrhosis of Liver. Diagnosed 2003.
    It has Totally Helped me a lot.
    Feel 100 percent Better and now have Lots of Energy. I read a lot.
    This is a Fantastic article.
    Has and Will Help me as I tread on.
    Thanks a Whole Bunch for taking time to write this.

  32. I am now taking around 50g of d Ribose a day. I have ME. I use it in conjunction with many different supplements. Right now, with the weather in January, my big thing is this plus d3 and b vitamins. It seems to be having an energy effect at high dosages. Interesting about the muscle pain. I must say, it has decreased in the last week since I started on the higher dosages. But I do have a lot of body work done. My sugar cravings have decreased as well. I was on low carb high fat before Christmas but was really ill with migraines for 3 weeks and added in carb because I couldn’t bear the sight of the LCHF usual diet.

  33. I’ve tried d-ribose a few times, every time it has caused terrible muscle pain. I’ve tried to persist through the pain but it’d just gets worse. Stops almost immediately when I stop taking d-ribose. I’ve come across another people who experienced the same problem on the teitelbaum website forums. I think ribose can definitely be harmful to some people.

  34. Kathleen Spollen montoya Avatar
    Kathleen Spollen montoya

    I am returning my d ribose today I have stomach pains and constipation not good

  35. Thank You for this information. I decided to go big in purchasing a bunch of supplements. including d-ribose. i took them as label-directed, and all at once. i got a bad stomach ache all 3 times. Looked up d-ribose, saw your info here and stopped taking only the d-ribose. Bingo! No more d-ribose for me…

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